Progress of Radiation Research Using Microbeam

2006.9.5-8. Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan, Workshop at the 49th JRRS Annual Meeting


WS8-1 X-ray microbeam irradiation systems at the Photon Factory – Present status and future plan
WS8-2 Development of Single Particle Irradiation to CEll system in NIRS
WS8-3 Energy deposition method for micro-volume in liquid using a tapered glass capillary with a thin end-window
WS8-4 Irradiation to cytoplasm suppresses low-dose hypersensitivity
WS8-5 Abnormal Cell Division Caused by X-ray Micro-beam Irradiation using EGFP-HeLa Cells


WS8-6 Imaging analysis of DNA double-strand break repair proteins using synchrotron X-ray microbeam irradiation system.
WS8-7 Inhibition of abnormal proliferation of epidermal cells in the knobbed mutant silkworm larva by the heavy-ion microbeam irradiation. カイコ孵化幼虫真皮細胞への重イオンマイクロビーム照射によるコブ突然変異(K)の発現抑制
WS8-8 Heavy-ion-induced bystander killing of normal human fibroblasts. ヒト正常線維芽細胞における重イオン誘発バイスタンダー細胞死の解析
WS8-9 Study of biological responses to heavy-ion microbeams in the nematode C. elegans. 重イオンマイクロビームを用いた線虫Cエレガンスの放射線応答の研究
WA8-10 Radiation biology and tumor therapy with microplanar synchrotron radiation. スダレ状放射光マイクロビームの生物作用とがん治療


WS8-11 MRT dose distribution at SPring-8. SPring-8でのMRT線量分布測定
WS8-12 Bystander cell-killing effect induced by X-ray microbeams generated with synchrotron radiations. シンクロトロン放射光スリット状X線マイクロビーム誘発バイスタンダー致死効果
WS8-13 Development of new radiotherapy by synchrotron radiation. -Pathobiological effects of microplanar beam radiation on the rat cerebellum. 放射光による新たな放射線治療法の開発‐ラット小脳に対するマイクロビーム照射の病理組織学的影響
WS8-14 Growth Delay of Transplanted Fibrosarcoma in Mice by a Synchrotron Microplaner Beam. 放射光マイクロスリットビームを用いた移植腫瘍の増殖遅延