
Meeting Information

Development and Diversity of the Radiation Research Using Microbeam

2008.11.14-17 Makuhari Messe, International Convention Complex, Chiba, Workshop at the 50th JRRS Annual Meeting

CHAIR; Maezawa H (Tokushima U.), Tomita M (CRIEPI)
W9-1 Perspective of the study of radiation biological effect using microbeam X-ray irradiation system. Tomita M, et al.
W9-2 Study of the relationship between cell death and intracellular energy-deposited sites using SR X-ray microbeam irradiation system. Maeda M, et al.
W9-3 An energy-tunable X-ray microbeam irradiation system for radiobiology. Kobayashi K et al.
W9-4 Focusing microbeam system of JAEA-Takasaki Funayama T. et al
W9-5 Approach to the radiobiological study of Caenorhabditis elegans using heavy-ion microbeam. Sakashita T, et al.
W9-6 In situ analysis of novel repair proteins involved in DNA strand break responses of human cell. Nakajima S. et al.

8th International Workshop of Microbeam Probes on Cellular Radiation Responses

2008.11.13-15, at National Institute Radiological Sciences, Chiba 263, Japan

Programme and Abstract (PDF); 41 oral and 18 poster presentations. Review papers and Extended Abstract will be published in March 2009 as an Supplement Issue of the Journal of Radiation Research

Progress of Radiation Research Using Microbeam

2006.9.5-8. Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan, Workshop at the 49th JRRS Annual Meeting


WS8-1 X-ray microbeam irradiation systems at the Photon Factory – Present status and future plan
WS8-2 Development of Single Particle Irradiation to CEll system in NIRS
WS8-3 Energy deposition method for micro-volume in liquid using a tapered glass capillary with a thin end-window
WS8-4 Irradiation to cytoplasm suppresses low-dose hypersensitivity
WS8-5 Abnormal Cell Division Caused by X-ray Micro-beam Irradiation using EGFP-HeLa Cells


WS8-6 Imaging analysis of DNA double-strand break repair proteins using synchrotron X-ray microbeam irradiation system.
WS8-7 Inhibition of abnormal proliferation of epidermal cells in the knobbed mutant silkworm larva by the heavy-ion microbeam irradiation. カイコ孵化幼虫真皮細胞への重イオンマイクロビーム照射によるコブ突然変異(K)の発現抑制
WS8-8 Heavy-ion-induced bystander killing of normal human fibroblasts. ヒト正常線維芽細胞における重イオン誘発バイスタンダー細胞死の解析
WS8-9 Study of biological responses to heavy-ion microbeams in the nematode C. elegans. 重イオンマイクロビームを用いた線虫Cエレガンスの放射線応答の研究
WA8-10 Radiation biology and tumor therapy with microplanar synchrotron radiation. スダレ状放射光マイクロビームの生物作用とがん治療


WS8-11 MRT dose distribution at SPring-8. SPring-8でのMRT線量分布測定
WS8-12 Bystander cell-killing effect induced by X-ray microbeams generated with synchrotron radiations. シンクロトロン放射光スリット状X線マイクロビーム誘発バイスタンダー致死効果
WS8-13 Development of new radiotherapy by synchrotron radiation. -Pathobiological effects of microplanar beam radiation on the rat cerebellum. 放射光による新たな放射線治療法の開発‐ラット小脳に対するマイクロビーム照射の病理組織学的影響
WS8-14 Growth Delay of Transplanted Fibrosarcoma in Mice by a Synchrotron Microplaner Beam. 放射光マイクロスリットビームを用いた移植腫瘍の増殖遅延

Expansion of the Radiation Biology by the Microbeam

2005.11.15-17, Hiroshima International Conference Hall, Hiroshima, Workshop at the 48th JRRS Annual Meeting

W1-1: Microbeam Facilities in Japan

W1-1-1 Upgrading heavy-ion microbeam system at JAERI-Takasaki
Funayama T, et al.
W1-1-2 Progress Report of the SPICE (Single Particle Irradiation system for CEll) in NIRS
Imaseki H, et al.
W1-1-3 Outline of synchrotron X-ray microbeam irradiation system and perspective of radiobiological
research using the system
Kobayashi K, et al.
W1-1-4 Microbeam line in the Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center
Takagi K, et al.
W1-1-5 Kyoto University
Nakamura M, et al.

W1-2: Present Status of Microbeam Research

W1-2-0 Microbeam studies for partial-cell irradiation: from UV light to heavy ions
Kobayashi Y, et al.
W1-2-2 Radiosurgery applications of heavy ion microbeams
Kiguchi H, et al.
W1-2-3 Radiation-induced bystander effects
Matsumoto H, et al.
W1-2-4 Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication and Bystander Effects
Shao CL, et al.
W1-2-5 Microbeam studies in the world
Kashino G, et al.